Dependence on God

Look Up, Broken World

Shock, Fear, Disgust, Pain

Darkness, Evil, Panic, Rain

Anxiety, Grief, Anger, Hate

President, Nations, People, Fate

Guns, Health, Supremacy, Games

Questions, Answers, Findings, Blame

Relevant, Rumor, Vengeance, Lies

Strongholds, Satan, Compromise

We live in a broken world

Comfort, Kindness, Spirit, Light

Healing, Goodness, Savior, Knight

Clarity, Wisdom, Discernment, Peace

Honor, Forgiveness, Community, Feasts

Faithful, Judgement, Burdens, Bears

Children, Bloodline, Future, Heirs

Ask Him, Worship, Look Up, Sing

Redemptive, Unfailing, Eternal, King

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 NLT

Are we going to be shaken by this world, or keep our eyes fixed on the one who’s overcome it?