Attitude, Dependence on God

More You, Less Me

I want this season to be different.

A few years back I decided to give up watching television for Lent. I wanted to sacrifice something that had meaning to me, so I did, and IT SUCKED!!!! Each day I was confronted with feelings of discomfort and irritability. I found myself counting the days until I was reunited with my friends behind the screen.

Instead of leaning into the lack – viewing this precious time as one of surrender and connection – I made it about my desires and feelings.

This year my focus has shifted. I am doing a study called “40 Days of Decrease” by Alicia Britt Chole. She encourages us to look at Lent as less of a project and more of a “temporary stay,” with the purpose of presence vs. productivity.

What does this look like?

  • Less of me, more of Him.
  • Less distraction – being present in my circumstances, especially the uncomfortable ones.
  • Fewer obligations, more softening of the heart.

What has been your experience around Lent?