Identity, Thought Life

Move, Get Out The Way.

Do you ever find yourself getting in the way of your hopes and dreams?

A new relationship was on the horizon, but it ended before having a chance to blossom. The risk of getting your heart broken was too much to bear. A potential job opportunity presented itself, but you didn’t apply. The other applicants were more qualified.

Sometimes, our past experiences shape how we function in the present. Other times, our insecurities and doubts get the best of us. If my past relationship didn’t work out, why would this one? I’ve been rejected by three companies, why would this be any different?

When we let these things get in the way of our goals and plans, we are self-sabotaging.

If we dig deep, we find fear, distrust, and insecurity ingrained into our thinking. This affects our decision-making process. Unfortunately, the results are lost opportunities and blessings.

It’s normal to feel these things–so let’s not beat ourselves up for it–but we can feel certain ways and move through them (I know, not easy).

Pray for courage.

Trust in God’s plan for the situation.

Do it, anyway.

Listen to God’s voice and let Him guide you in all that you do.

Sure, there is a risk of heartbreak, but what if this is the person you are meant to spend your life with? Yes, there might be others more qualified than you, but then again, there might be something about you that stands out against the rest.

You won’t know unless you try. So, get out of your own way. And remember, the outcome doesn’t change who you are.

What are you standing in the way of?

2 thoughts on “Move, Get Out The Way.”

  1. Having courage does not mean you are never afraid. Having courage means you are afraid but do it anyway! (Not an original statement). Xo

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