Thought Life

I’m Judging You

I confess I judge others. My mind just seems to go there at times without my permission, AND other times it has my full consent. This usually occurs upon first seeing someone, the whole book by a cover thing. I have nothing else to go by except for what I see. It’s part of my humanity.

I confess I judge others

One day while at the airport waiting for my flight, I heard some women talking about a fellow female who was also waiting for a plane. She was a pretty girl, wearing something looking similar to lingerie; something that would be worn in the comfort of one’s home.  

Of course, I had to look and see what they were talking about; I am human. At that moment I had a choice to make. Was I going to judge too? Instead, I started wondering about her. Who is she? What’s her story?

I had a choice to make

So, what did I choose to do? Well, I still don’t know her story and didn’t take the time to find out (wasn’t the time or place). But, I chose compassion (which is not my natural response). I decided to view her as God does, as his beautiful daughter.

For much of my life any time a thought or feeling would arise I’d go with it. I never knew I had the choice to engage or disengage.

I don’t know if we ever get to a place of complete nonjudgement (I’m not there yet), but after my initial automatic judgy thought arises, I get to choose what comes after.                                                 

I get to choose

Remember that girl I just spoke about? As I was boarding the plane, I saw her sitting in first class with a not so good looking guy (judgment). I thought to myself “she must be with him because he has money (judgment).” Do you see! I JUST decided not to judge, and there my mind goes again. So, yes, it appears to be the human condition.

Before slamming that gavel down, I need to remember a few things:

They (whoever they are) are made in the image of God, just like me.

I have my own issues. Even though mine may not be visible to others, they still exist.

Check in with me to see if there are any feelings of jealousy or envy involved.

How can you choose compassion over judgement today?