Anxiety Series

Prepare For Battle – Day 4

In order to prepare for battle, we need to know what we are fighting against.

My desires led to living a selfish life. The words I spoke over my life were those of defeat and degradation. The lies that I believed about myself created my reality, telling me I wasn’t good enough. Temptations caused me to do things that weren’t good for me. I made many decisions that hurt myself and others.

I have always been my own worst enemy.

Enemy #1 Ourselves

My worldview has helped me to understand that there is also a spiritual battle happening, one between good and evil. While researching this topic I came across a “job description” that I thought was quite fitting. “The enemy is like a prosecuting attorney, calling attention to the unworthiness of mankind, collecting evidence to prove cases (source unknown).”

Now that we know the mission of the enemy, we need to know what to look for;


How does the enemy work? Mostly behind the scenes.

working through our weaknesses

Enemy #2: The Accuser

Peter 5:8 says, “Your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Now that we know what we are fighting against, we can develop our battle plan.

In what areas are you vulnerable to attack?

Mental Health

Mangled Mind

Yesterday was a rough day. I found myself connecting more with the mangled than the masterpiece.

I was involved in a battle, a spiritual one. It was like an arm-wrestling match between lies and truth. The truth kept me in the game, but the lies were strong.

What did this look like?

Unhealthy thoughts, insecurities, and anxiety.

What did I do?

  • I shared it with my women’s group. I know full well that when I keep this stuff in the dark, the enemy feeds on it. I felt extremely vulnerable after sharing BUT my desire to live in the freedom that Jesus has given trumps all else.
  • I went to a pool party/bible study. I forced myself to go when all I wanted to do was isolate. I knew if I went with a servants heart, I’d feel better. A good time was had, AND as usual, God provided the exact words I needed to hear through a fellow believer’s reading of Scripture. He is such a personal God.

Through this situation, I learned something (always growing and learning); My pride is still alive and kicking, and I may not be as humble as I thought.

On most days the truth can slam lies down with little effort. What I need to do is remain close to the Source and stay away from things that don’t serve me well.

I am a work in progress, who is dearly loved.

What keeps you grounded in the truth?


It’s My Body

Is there something in your life that you haven’t told anyone? Maybe you’ve been embarrassed or scared of what others might think, so you keep it to yourself.

Growing up, I convinced myself that my body was mine. I could do whatever I wanted with it, which was true.

It is.

I can.

I did.

Hormones and boys were not a good mix.

Justifying my actions became a skill. I never saw past my current season of life, let alone think about future consequences.

Fast forward to meeting Jesus in my late 20’s. I’m sitting in church, listening to a sermon on purity. All I could think was “FAIL.” The culmination of past decisions was starting to affect my self-image, along with my relationships. “I am what I’ve done,” guilt and shame would successfully convince me.

“I am what I’ve done”

Why would I want anything to do with this community if this was how I was going to feel?

Thankfully, I wasn’t left to sit in this pit of condemnation. God already knew everything I had done, and yet, he still loved me.

My old foes guilt and shame still try coordinating sneak attacks, but these days they are slain with the truth: Jesus died a horrible death so I can be free.

Jesus died a terrible death so I can be free

Free from labels

Free from lies

Free from condemnation

I still care what others think about me. Anxiety and fear still present themselves when I share my testimony. It’s all still there, but now I choose to embrace how God’s see’s me. His love for me outweighs all fear.

What’s that “something” in your life you’d like to be free from?