Identity, Thought Life

Flip It

Did you know that tomorrow is “opposite day?” I didn’t realize this was a thing.

To celebrate, I was hoping you’d be down for a little experiment. Let me explain before I scare you away.

Our thoughts often create our reality, and many times they are untrue statements. Increased awareness of what we think allows us to identify false beliefs, stop them in their tracks, and replace them with truth. Here’s an example;

Limiting thought: “I messed up again; I’m so stupid.”

Flip It: “Nope, we are not going there. Yes, you messed up, but you’re not stupid. You are learning, AND this mess up doesn’t define you.”

Make Sense?

Over the next 24 hours (starting at midnight), I’m encouraging you to keep track of your thoughts. When unhealthy, self-defeating, untrue thoughts pass by (because they will), challenge them, flip em and counteract.

But how do I know what is true, you might be asking?

What God says about us is true. Test all thoughts against His Word. If it doesn’t match up, slay that thought with your pink sparkly sword. Oh, wait, that’s mine.

Let’s Do This!

Happy Opposite Day!

What thoughts of yours could use some flipping?


Who Am I?

I recently saw a movie called Overcomer, the overarching theme being identity.

We see the characters attaching their identities to specific roles and life experiences.

Through the harsh realities of life, God shows up, revealing who he is while showing the characters who they are, according to the one who created them.

Chains break.

Hurts heal.

Hearts mend.

Once we know where our true identity comes from, we need to nurture this truth. Otherwise, we’ll continue getting caught up in the lies of the world and our minds.

How do we do this?

  • Get to know the creator by reading his word. Once you know who he is, you’ll understand who you are.
  • Pray for the truth of who you are to be louder than the lies.
  • Join a small group of like-minded individuals who will speak truth over your life.

Check out the movie Overcomer!