Anxiety Series

Prepare For Battle – Day 3

Has your anxiety ever caused you to feel so physically and mentally uncomfortable, you just wanted to shed your skin?

I hated that feeling. I would do anything to make those feelings go away, so much so that I ended up becoming my very own doctor, self-medicating with drugs and alcohol.

These substances provided an illusioned vacation. Unfortunately, when the drugs wore off, my anxiety would be waiting for me, holding up a “welcome back” sign, excited to re-engage. Numbing my symptoms only made them worse.

I am a natural reactor, I’ve always been, BUT, over time I’ve learned to respond to things (like my anxiety) rather than react. Hallelujah, there’s hope for everybody!

We’re not always able to control when anxiety hits, but we can control the way we respond to it.

How do you react or respond to anxiety?

Attitude, Dependence on God

More You, Less Me

I want this season to be different.

A few years back I decided to give up watching television for Lent. I wanted to sacrifice something that had meaning to me, so I did, and IT SUCKED!!!! Each day I was confronted with feelings of discomfort and irritability. I found myself counting the days until I was reunited with my friends behind the screen.

Instead of leaning into the lack – viewing this precious time as one of surrender and connection – I made it about my desires and feelings.

This year my focus has shifted. I am doing a study called “40 Days of Decrease” by Alicia Britt Chole. She encourages us to look at Lent as less of a project and more of a “temporary stay,” with the purpose of presence vs. productivity.

What does this look like?

  • Less of me, more of Him.
  • Less distraction – being present in my circumstances, especially the uncomfortable ones.
  • Fewer obligations, more softening of the heart.

What has been your experience around Lent?