Attitude, Dependence on God, Thought Life

Never Say Never

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I could never __ “(fill in the blank)?

In a season of not being able to get pregnant, I watched a reality show about a woman going through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). At one point, she ended up in the hospital due to complications. I remember thinking, “I could never go through that. The mental and physical demands would kill me.”

Little did I know a few years later I’d be going through it, not once but four times! This is the moment where my “I could never” switched to “heck yeah I can!”

We set ourselves up for failure before even trying. Fears convince us of the impossibilities. Our feelings and thoughts attempt to rule our lives, but the truth is, they don’t have as much power as we give them credit for.

We CAN do hard things regardless of what our thoughts and feelings are communicating, especially when God has our back.

The next time you find yourself saying, “I could never…”

  1. Challenge it. Ask why?
  2. Take inventory – (remember the hard things you’ve done in the past).
  3. Flip It – (“I can do anything that God has called me to”).
  4. Fill your mind with truth – (read scriptures about overcoming fear and being strengthened in Christ).
  5. Support – (find people to encourage you along the way. Accountability will help you move forward)

What is your, “I could never?”

3 thoughts on “Never Say Never”

  1. Wow great topic!! I am currently going through a season of “I can’t do that!”. I don’t want to share publicly what the actual topic is but I know that I need to get on my face and be brutally honest with God about my fear, selfishness and other stuff I don’t even know about! Ironically I love and trust God but am fearful to talk to him about this! Accountability? is that what I am afraid of? Love you Jaime! You are awesome!

    1. I so appreciate your honesty and even though He already knows, you admitting that YOU still need to bring it to Him is such a great example of what our part looks like in the relationship.

      Praying for bravery and boldness as you approach Him, remembering that no matter what He loves you. I love you too friend. I’m here if you need to chat or some accountability 😉❤

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