Anxiety Series

Prepare For Battle – Day 3

Has your anxiety ever caused you to feel so physically and mentally uncomfortable, you just wanted to shed your skin?

I hated that feeling. I would do anything to make those feelings go away, so much so that I ended up becoming my very own doctor, self-medicating with drugs and alcohol.

These substances provided an illusioned vacation. Unfortunately, when the drugs wore off, my anxiety would be waiting for me, holding up a “welcome back” sign, excited to re-engage. Numbing my symptoms only made them worse.

I am a natural reactor, I’ve always been, BUT, over time I’ve learned to respond to things (like my anxiety) rather than react. Hallelujah, there’s hope for everybody!

We’re not always able to control when anxiety hits, but we can control the way we respond to it.

How do you react or respond to anxiety?

Anxiety Series

Prepare For Battle – Day 1

I’ve struggled with anxiety to varying degrees throughout my life. Once I became a Christian and began reading God’s Word, I realized how many passages addressed the issue of anxiety, telling me not to be anxious.

I understood that I wasn’t supposed to be anxious, but I still was, and where was the how-to section?

Some of us might have confided in our church family only to have been told;

  • You’re not trusting God
  • “Be anxious for nothing” or quoting other scriptures
  • You don’t need medication. God can heal you.
  • Pray harder

I honestly thought that something was wrong with me. I must be a “bad Christian.”

Over time I realized that nothing was wrong with me. I was human. God created us with a fight or flight response which tells me that anxiety is part of the human experience.

I want to draw your attention to Luke 22: 42-44. We see Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane. He knows what’s about to go down. This is his prayer;

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done. An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

Luke 22:42-44 NIV

Jesus is anxious. He is experiencing human emotions. In the midst of this, we witness his obedience and also get a glimpse of the spiritual tools that are available to help him cope. Those same tools are available to us.

We may never be free from anxiety (not in this lifetime, anyway), but partnering with God gives us the power to battle anxiety.

I think that’s worth repeating,

Partnering with God gives us the power to battle anxiety.

In what ways have you struggled with anxiety?

Mental Health, Thought Life

Compromised Mind

This past week it felt like someone tied me up, put tape over my mouth, and made me sit in a corner, forcing me to watch my life as a spectator.

When my mental health is compromised, I feel so disconnected from my life. One moment, I feel like a robotic sociopath, numbness permeating my entire being. The next, I feel like a raging lunatic, ready to take on whoever looks at me wrong. It makes no sense, but it feels real. 

It’s a straight-up battle in my mind.

Negative thoughts and false beliefs come with fists swinging. Luckily, I’m prepared. Armor blocks the unhealthy thoughts, the truth slaying them on the spot.

I still FEEL crappy.

The thoughts still come.

Yet, TRUTH keeps me grounded. My identity remains impenetrable.

What battles have challenged your identity?