
Don’t Kick Your Booty In The New Year

The new year offers a clean slate. Goals have been reevaluated, and the past is behind us. Some love this time of year; others feel pressured to do and be better.

I no longer make resolutions. I’d go strong until day 13 and then fall back into former habits and routines. This led to hardcore personal booty kicking, followed by a pity party with bubbles of shame and guilt.

Does this mean that we shouldn’t set goals for ourselves? Nope. It’s important to set goals and be intentional in our lives, plus it feels good to start fresh, BUT let’s not beat ourselves up if we don’t end up meeting our unusually high self-imposed expectations.


  • Get back on the goal horse (is that even a thing?). Every day is a new opportunity to start again.
  • Pray. Ask God if the goals you’ve set are the ones He wants for you. If you are in alignment with His will for your life, you’ll have His supernatural power backing you up (not saying it will be easy).
  • Be gentle with yourself. Life is hard enough without you kicking your own booty.

So go ahead and have that word for the year. Set those goals, be intentional. But remember, the outcome doesn’t and can’t ever change who you are.

Are you a fan of the new year or one who feels pressured by it?


Never Satisfied

Why is this so hard? I’d rather be doing something else. It’s too hot out.

This summer has been a challenging one. I find myself complaining a lot–often expressed through jokes and sarcasm. Regardless of how it’s packaged, it’s still complaining.

I have been discontent, and it shows through my words and attitude.

What I’m communicating through my grumbling is that God is not enough. I can say all day that I’m blessed and thankful, but my discontentment with circumstances and situations say differently.

I always want more. Things can still be a teensy bit better.

I can make all kinds of excuses as to why I grumble, but the truth is–I have an ungrateful heart.

The more I complain, the more I complain. My brain takes notes–keeping track of negative activity– and a new pattern of thinking develops.

I need to fill my mind and soul with gratitude. I want my brain to get the memo–we are switching it up to a more positive perspective. I can choose the words I speak over my life, but I need to be intentional about it.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

Romans 12:2 NLT

I’ve been practicing mindfulness in this area. This is what it looks like:



Why is this so hard?

I can do anything through Christ.

I’d rather be doing something else.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I’m too hot.

I have air conditioning (thank you, Lord).

What’s something you’ve been complaining about? How can you flip that complaint into gratitude? Please share in the comments so we can all be encouraged.