
Who Do You Think You Are?

I think it’s about time we stop letting the world define us. So here goes:

You are not your roles at home or work.

You are not your decisions.

You are not your mistakes or failures.

You are not your thoughts or emotions.

You are not what others say about you.

You are not what you say about yourself.

You are not your circumstances.

You are not your diagnosis.

You are not your perceptions.

You are not your past.

You are not your talents or gifts.

You are not your success or financial status.

You, are not who you think you are.

You are a child of God. Period.

Drugs, Identity, Thought Life

Stand Tall

You messed up again

The cycle repeats

Your gut says to hide

Your mind screams defeat

Chock full of failure

You trip and you fall

His voice then reminds you

My daughter, stand tall

Your heart is broken

You thought it would last

He told you forever

But now its the past

You gave it away

You wait for his call

A song then reminds you

My daughter, stand tall

You said you were done

But you couldn’t resist

You love how it feels

A comfort you’ve missed

You had one month clean

Shame makes you feel small

You remember a verse

My daughter, stand tall

You cover it up

Your starting to doubt

You quickly forget

What the Gospel’s about

No matter the wrong

The truth trumps it all

Remember your father

My daughter, stand tall.

What failures or mistakes are you holding onto?