
Popping Bubbles

“Should I even be here?” The thought scurried through my mind upon arrival.

This past weekend I went to a concert/show with hubby. Loud music, laser lights, and colorful people filled the room. Puffs of smoke swirled above the main floor, while people danced to their heart’s content.

After settling into the atmosphere, my initial question turned into a definitive, Yes! Who better than someone who understands the culture and has been there and done that. Plus, I like electronic music. I prayed for God to use me throughout the evening while enjoying my night out.

In my current season of life, I spend most of my time engaging with people who share similar values. It’s comfortable. My activities, groups, and overall lifestyle centers around the culture in which I identify.

As Christians, we need to be part of a church community. Our faith strengthens as we grow spiritually and do life with others. Accountability is encouraged (hopefully) and welcome. Reading God’s Word, serving in the church and community; all of these are important.

But, we are called for more.

Be fisherman of men

Feed my sheep

Be the light

Go and make disciples

There is no cookie-cutter way of doing this. God uses our experiences and personalities to reach different people in all types of environments. While there are many ways to show love to others, the message of the Gospel remains the same.

We must burst our comfortable bubbles and go out into the world. Ultimately, we are responsible for spreading the love. Opportunities are everywhere.

How can you step out of your comfort zone today?

Mental Health, Support


Music has always played a huge role in my life. It’s been my therapist, friend, anger management outlet, and more.

When unable to put feelings into words, this song acted as my translator:

Music Puts The Pieces Together

This song reminds me that I can’t do this life on my own, nor do I need to:

What songs have played a big part in your past and present?