Attitude, Thought Life

How To Persevere When Discouraged

It’s hard to persevere when you’re not getting the results you had hoped for.

I’ve been writing for a while now. My goals have shifted more than once over the years (aspiring author, speaker, life coach), but, at this point, I kind of expected to be further along than I am, which can be discouraging at times.

I get caught up in the number game; followers, engagements, likes, and any other validation around being an influencer. I start comparing my brand aesthetics and overall content with other bloggers who are more “popular.” It can easily lead me to question my purpose.

We set goals with the intention of meeting them. When we realize that we are not meeting them or that there might be a chance of failure, we think about throwing in the towel (or do). “Might as well opt out now before we fail for real.”

We need measurable goals to determine outcomes, and there may come a time when we need to concede (I’m so not there yet), but we also need to remember the “why” behind our goals and desires. Our why is our driving force.

I loathed myself for many years and spent so much time and energy searching for identity and wholeness. I don’t want ANYONE to ever feel this way about themselves. THIS is my why.

So tell me, what’s yours?

Mommy Moments

Change The Lens

We typically view our parents/caregivers through a subjective lens.

As a child, my parents were superheroes. During my teenage years, they knew nothing. Once I reached adulthood, I went through a judgemental phase. I wondered about the choices they made and the “why’s” behind it.

No matter what my parents did, they were doomed. My experiences with them shaped who they were in my eyes.

A few years back, I interviewed my parents individually. I wanted to learn more about their backgrounds and experiences. I so appreciated their transparency and willingness to share themselves with me as they did. It was then that God whispered, “See my child; they are human, like you.” For the first time ever, I saw them as children of God. From that point on, I was able to love and accept them for who they were.

We all have flaws and baggage; some weigh heavier than others. Resentment and unforgiveness reside in our hearts. We drown in the memories of our past, not able to swim freely toward the future. But we don’t have to remain in these places.

The question is, how do we move forward?

  • Pray for a softening of the heart and the willingness to forgive. Ask God to see them through His eyes.
  • What’s their story? Ask them questions. If you are not comfortable with that, ask people who know/knew them.
  • And remember, they are broken people like you and me.

This doesn’t mean that whatever has happened to you is okay; it just means that you are choosing to let go of it and hand it over to God, so you can move forward. Don’t let your past define your future. You can be set free.

What steps can you take today to change your lens?



There is lots of waste in the world. Thankfully, recycling has helped with the process of converting waste into reusable material.

This got me thinking about times in my life that I perceived as wasteful. Poor decisions, hard lessons, times of suffering, and despair. I’d often find myself in the role of victim: “why me, why this?”

What was the point of it all?

What if all we’ve been through wasn’t pointless but for a greater purpose?

This has helped me to view my experiences differently.

Would I repeat some of the things I’ve done in my life? Nope, BUT I wouldn’t take them back either. I’ve seen God recycle the messes I’ve made into reusable goods.

Instead of kicking my crap to the curb and burning it, I’ve decided to put mine in storage, saving it for opportunities to support, love and walk alongside others in need.

Together We Can

Benefits of recycling:

Less pollution: healthier relationships, community.

Saves energy: resentments burn our time and energy. Forgiveness and kindness refuel.

Conserves valuable resources: We are God’s most valuable resource. Let’s support each other so we can be the people He created us to be.

What experiences in your life can be used to help someone else?