My peace starts dissipating as I watch the news. My focus on the ever-flipping changes in the world incites worry and doubt. If I don’t switch modes, my thoughts will spiral down a road of hopelessness.
If you’ve lived in this world over the past year, you’ve likely experienced some of the following;
Insecurity (as a nation)
Whatever your experience has been, I’d like to validate it. It’s been a challenging year!
This is why we need to be diligent in refocusing our minds. Remembering, that as believers, even though we live IN the world, we are called not to be OF it.
How do we do this?
By focusing on the NEVER-changing Word of God.
Let’s talk about Ephesians 4:21-24
“Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy.”
This passage gives valuable information on how we can refocus our attention on God.
I highlighted some “power” words in the passage because they speak to what WE ought to be doing. Our relationship with God is a two-way street, which means that we have a responsibility to make these things work.
21: We have HEARD the Gospel = We KNOW what it says.
21 -22: We have LEARNED that truth comes from God = You no longer have to live like you used to (old nature; worry, doubt, trusting in the ways of the world). His ways are now our ways.
23: LET the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes = DON’T conform to the ways of the world. You have the Holy Spirit within you and that power WILL help align your thoughts and attitudes with Gods (because it’s his will for you)
24: PUT on your new nature = Choose God’s way of living in the world.
Okay, but what does this look practically?
- Staying in the Word. Knowing what it says. If you’re struggling with something specific (i.e., loneliness, anxiety), read and memorize passages that speak about these things.
- Allocating specific times to watch the news and engage on social media. Then shutting it down.
- Reminding yourself that your thoughts and feelings are not truth.
- Actively seeking a support system of like-minded individuals to hold you accountable to the safe-guards you set in place.
We need to SEEK & CHOOSE his Kingdom every day so that the world we live in doesn’t take us down, because it will.
What is one thing you can do today to refocus your attention on God?