The Holidays

Limit Your Stress During The Holidays By Doing These 5 Things.

I get anxious around the Holidays, specifically around cooking. I am not the best cook, so I’m always scared that I am going to poison my guests. I am hosting Thanksgiving this year, and instead of stressing out, I decided to get an already-cooked turkey and ham. I also got canned cranberry sauce (I’m a fan of the can).

If you want to enjoy the holidays with less stress, here are some tips:

Get premade dishes
Not everything needs to be homemade, no matter what anyone else says, and who has enough space to cook all the things, anyway? It also helps so you don’t have to time all your dishes to be ready at once.

Don’t go crazy cleaning your house
It’s clean enough. People don’t notice the things you notice. I’ve allowed this chore to steal my joy, and you know what they say: a mama’s attitude can make or break things.

Decorate Minimally
I have fall decorations around the house (I can’t even begin to think of Christmas) and already know how I’m setting the table. I don’t have a fancy tablecloth or a dazzling centerpiece. Just two small pumpkins, and the table settings.

Don’t compare yourself with others
Social media will make you feel terrible about yourself. It’s such a comparison trap. Those posts might look pretty, but you have no clue what is happening behind the scenes. Focus on what’s important, the company you are with.

Don’t worry about what’s been done in the generations past
I know we think that we can do everything but it’s okay to acknowledge your limits and make new memories. Heck, eat Chinese Food and enjoy spending time with family.

What is one thing you can do this holiday season to lessen the stress?

Attitude, Thought Life

How To Persevere When Discouraged

It’s hard to persevere when you’re not getting the results you had hoped for.

I’ve been writing for a while now. My goals have shifted more than once over the years (aspiring author, speaker, life coach), but, at this point, I kind of expected to be further along than I am, which can be discouraging at times.

I get caught up in the number game; followers, engagements, likes, and any other validation around being an influencer. I start comparing my brand aesthetics and overall content with other bloggers who are more “popular.” It can easily lead me to question my purpose.

We set goals with the intention of meeting them. When we realize that we are not meeting them or that there might be a chance of failure, we think about throwing in the towel (or do). “Might as well opt out now before we fail for real.”

We need measurable goals to determine outcomes, and there may come a time when we need to concede (I’m so not there yet), but we also need to remember the “why” behind our goals and desires. Our why is our driving force.

I loathed myself for many years and spent so much time and energy searching for identity and wholeness. I don’t want ANYONE to ever feel this way about themselves. THIS is my why.

So tell me, what’s yours?

Drugs, Identity, Mental Health

Letter To My Junior High Self

Dear 12-Year-Old Me,

I know life is hard right now. All you can see is what’s here and now. There is so much more to come…

You are in the midst of an awkward phase (totally normal, btw). Don’t waste your time trying to fit in. Appreciate who you were created to be. Haters are going to hate. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

Those who appear perfect, aren’t. What you see is not always what you get. You have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. Be kind and compassionate. Don’t play the comparison game. We were all created with different gifts and strengths. Appreciate them and use yours wisely.

How you look doesn’t define you. I repeat, how you look doesn’t define you. Don’t internalize what the media or boys think are attractive. Focus on what the God of the universe says about you. One size doesn’t fit all.

Calm your hormones girl! I know how loud they are, but they do not need to rule over you. Learn your value as a young woman according to Gods Word. See his expectations of you through the lens of value vs. fear. You are so precious to him.

Don’t party so much. I know you think it’s fun, but there are going to be physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual consequences down the road.

Be nicer to mom and dad. They love you so much. They are not superheroes, but flawed human beings like the rest of us. Be respectful. They will be around for the long haul when many others won’t.

I know you think you have it all figured out, but you don’t. Life is going to take you on a ride. You are not the controller of the universe (even though you want to be).

And finally…

You are loved more than you can ever imagine.

P.S. It’s not all about you. The sooner you learn this, the better.


Future Self