Mental Health, Suicide

Scars & Stains

Sometimes, when I’m struggling to express myself, I write poetry. Here’s something I wrote in light of suicide awareness month. It’s a dialogue between an influencer on social media and one of their followers.

You never know the impact you can have on someone’s life.


I see you on Snapchat
Your Instagrams lit
I got mad respect
For the lyrics you spit

I wish I could do that
Put words to the pain
Release all my troubles
Like a downpour of rain

But I hold it all in
And I act like it’s fine
But I can’t anymore
I’m all set to resign


I’m glad you reached out
I’ve been where you’re at
The struggle is real
I’d get support stat

Our thoughts hold us captive
Eyes blinded by pain
Can’t see through the darkness
Of scarring and stains

I’m a straight-up survivor
I’ve walked through that door
My pride kept it hidden
My life, I endured

But I stand here today
With a purposeful mission
By the grace of our God
Not of my own volition

I affirm your existence
You are not a mistake
You are here for a reason
Even though your heart aches

Please sleep on it, bro
And let these words brew
But know that I’m listening
And I’m praying for you



How can your past suffering give someone hope today?